Classes system

Welcome to Thai Airways's new class and points system, Thai Airways Points. This system will allow you to earn more premium flying experiences while traveling the globe with Thai Airways.

You might be wondering, how does this work?

Well, to help answer that question, with points you can buy many roles A chart will be listed here is some information below:

How can I gain points?

Points are gained by doing things on our server. A chart is shown below.

  • Attending A Flight - 60 Thai Airways Points
  • Attending A Event - 80 Thai Airways Points
  • Boosting The Server - 300 Thai Airways Points

Now that you know how much you get for Attending a flight , Attending a event, Boosting the server.  You may ask... What can I spend these points on? Well let us tell you what you can spend these on.

  • 200 Thai Airways Points - Premium Economy Class
  • 300 Thai Airways Points - Business Class
  • 400 Thai Airways Points - First Class
  • 500 Thai Airways Points - Royal Silk Class
  • 660 Thai Airways Points - Royal Orchid Class

Do these classes last forever?

Yes, once you buy it, you keep it.

How can I buy classes?

Head over to bot-commands channel and say "TA$ [Class name]" along with make sure to get your self roles in :bell:┃notifications !

Well, that's about it, be sure to use this system when traveling with Thai Airways PTFS!


Our services provide you comfortable with a well warm hearted of Thai Airways PTFS staffs, our services include in our discord server and in the Flight you can ask us anything about the Flight or about the server or you can ask us about the things you want to know and curious you can join our discord server and head to Help Center channel and ask us by using the format!


Frequently Asked Questions
1st Question (You may asked)
Q: Where can I apply for jobs? 
A: You can simply apply for jobs at apply-here, for info on what you can apply for, you can just go to employment-info.
2nd Question  (You may asked)
Q: When are flights usually hosted? 
A: Flights are allowed to be hosted at any time, but usually around the times in the flight schedule.
3rd Question  (You may asked)
Q: What is the Thai point system? 
A: In the Thai point system, you can get points depending on what flight you attend, you can see how many points each type of flight gives you in flight-to-point, and once you attend the flight, you can redeem your points at #deleted-channel, and you wait for an staff member to give you the points (Please read the pinned message in that channel.) You can also see how much each class costs at the redeem list channel.
4th Question  (You may asked)
Q: Where can I get reaction roles? 
A: At notifications
5th Question  (You may asked)
Q: How can I ally? 
A: By typing in t!apply Ally in the apply-here channel.